Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Presents for 2010

This year I didn't knit as much as I have in years past. I tried to get most everything done before Zach was born in November. It didn't completely happen, so there were a couple of projects that I wanted to do, but had to abandon. I am still working on some knee high slippers for my sister. I gave her one at Christmas and hope to get her the other one before the month is over. Or maybe I should just save slipper #2 for next year...hmmmm.........

Well, I forgot to take pictures of the few projects I did finish before I wrapped them, so I got pictures of them being modeled!

These are actually the first pair of slippers I have made. They are such a simple project that I can't believe I never made them before!

Matching hats for my nephews!

I love this purse!!! I just found a really simple pattern and added a few embellishments. I also made a hat out of the same colors! Doesn't my niece look cute!?!